Write Smart, Save Time.
- Your AI Email Assistant

Stop wasting hours writing emails, AI can do it for you.

Effortlessly create high-quality emails in any language, saving you time and improving communication.

  • Write emails 10 times faster

    Simply fill a short form and let the AI write the email for you.

  • Write better quality emails

    AI is the ultimate writing tool for crafting high-quality emails, ensuring clear, professional communication.

  • Easy to use

    Effortless to use, making email writing simpler and more accessible.

New Reply mode feature

Tired of wasting time ?

Without MailFast

  • Manually write your emails
  • Write a poor quality email
  • Waste hours in your mailbox
  • Make spelling mistakes

With MailFast

  • Get AI help writing your emails
  • Write better quality emails
  • Save time, up to 10 times faster
  • No more spelling mistakes




  • 10 mails per month
  • No credit card required
Get started




  • 200 mails per month
Subscribe now


Contact me

  • variable number of emails per month
Contact me

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to the most common questions about our product.

Can I use MailFast on mobile?

Yes! Our platform is fully responsive, so you can use it on your mobile browser.

How do I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription from your account settings at any time. Click on Dashboard on top right corner.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards.

How does the free plan work?

Our free plan provides you with 10 mails each month, allowing you to use MailFast without charge. After that, you can upgrade to a paid plan for more mails.

How do I upgrade my plan?

You can upgrade your plan at any time by logging into your account, navigating to the pricing section, and selecting a plan that suits your needs.